Due to the COVID pandemic, all Social Security hearing offices are closed for in-person hearings. According to Social Security, these closures are expected for the foreseeable future. Fortunately Social Security is offering two secure and safe options for your disability hearing so you won’t have to wait.
1) Telephone Hearings:
Social Security is offering disability claimants the opportunity to appear and testify via telephone. These hearings are not mandatory. You will be notified about the time and date of your hearing, and you should be prepared to answer your phone on the date specified in the notice. The hearing will be conducted as a telephone call, not a video call via Skype, Zoom, or Facetime. You should plan to be available on the day of the hearing, and expect a staff member at the hearing office to contact you before your scheduled hearing time.
Here are some helpful tips compiled by the lawyers at the LaPorte Law Firm for making sure your hearing goes well.
2) Video Hearings
Social Security plans to implement online video hearings this fall. As with the telephone hearing option, video hearings are not mandatory. If you cannot wait for in-person hearings to become available, SSA encourages you to accept the option of a telephone or video hearing.
Give us a call to discuss your options for a telephone or video hearing. We have experience representing our clients since telephone hearings began on March 2020. Set up a free consultation to go over the telephone hearing process and discuss your options.