Representatives Help Win Disability Claims

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be a complicated and lengthy process. Attorney representatives play a key role in assisting with the preparation and appeals of these claims. 

The National Bureau of Economic Research recently released their research on legal representation in disability claims. Their research found that having a representative increased the probability of initial awards and reduced the need for appeals. This information shows that legal representation at the application stage of a disability case can lead to earlier disability awards for people who would otherwise be awarded benefits only on appeal. A case won at the application stage of the disability can reduce total case processing times by nearly one year. 

The Social Security disability application, and subsequent appeals, can involve an overwhelming amount of information, paperwork, and medical evidence. A representative can help you file the disability application, provide the proper paperwork, submit medical evidence, and respond to requests from the Social Security Administration. 

Once the claim is submitted, a representative can speak to the Social Security Administration on your behalf. Our representatives have years of experience corresponding with the analysts and examiners at the Social Security Administration. We can check the status of your claim with the analyst who is working on your case and speak on your behalf to advocate for your claim. 

Approximately one-third of initial claims for Social Security Disability benefits are denied. The research shows that an attorney representative increases the chances of you winning a claim at the initial application stage. If your claim is denied at the application stage, our representatives can help you appeal a denial. 

If you want help applying for Social Security disability benefits or need to file an appeal, contact our offices for a free consultation. 

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