
Check our blog for updated information and news pertaining to Social Security Disability

Five Important Changes Coming to Social Security for 2020

The Social Security Administration has released information about the changes that are coming in 2020. Each year, the Social Security Administration must make changes that are tied to inflation. Here are the five most important things you need to know as we look forward to 2020.

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Settlement Gives Second Chance to Disability Claimants Who Were Subjected to Medical Exams by Dr. Frank Chen

Thousands of individuals denied Social Security disability benefits after submitting to a medical exam by Dr. Frank Chen may soon be given the opportunity to have their denied claims re-evaluated as a result of a recent legal settlement. These claimants include those who were examined between 2007 and 2013 by Dr. Frank Chen at one of Social Security’s clinics located in the San Francisco Bay Area and San Luis Obispo County, including Northstate, Health Analysis, Priority, Pacific Health Clinic, or any other clinic at which they were seen by Dr. Chen.

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Watch a free video presentation by the attorneys at LaPorte Law Firm – How to prepare for a Social Security disability hearing

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Prepare for Your Remote Hearing